
Monday, April 6, 2015


Make a plan for yourself, it is already difficult. When overweight or excess supply also affect children, things are even more complicated. Here are some tips from the book a nutritionist dietician.

Advice to slim family

In the fight against overweight, regardless of age there is no miracle: eat less fat and less sugar, increasing fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables and make the physical exercise. But knowing this is not always enough to apply it to everyday life. Especially within a family, where daily life already takes time and energy. Here are some simple and practical tips for children and adults can gather around balanced meals.

With vegetables, it is often necessary to be creative ... Make purees, flans, gratins where will you hide a bean, in short, use your imagination!
Feel free to choose the menu for your children ... between two healthy alternatives.
Forcing children to eat something is often tempting, but usually against-productive. If your child refuses a food, do not force them to clean their plate ... But do not give him anything else until the next meal.
Focus on eating slowly, savoring every bite. Satiety come faster, and your children will be more familiar with the taste of different foods.
From puberty, some boys become true gluttons. Often this appetite is not a problem (except for storage in the kitchen ...) and metabolism of young adolescents makes their body mass index is within the limits. You can increase the dosage until your teen is hungry, if its weight is stable; but do not compromise on good eating habits.
At the same time, girls often have the opposite problem, and feel the need to diet to be thinner. This kind of situation requires tact: rebalancing is it necessary food, or the weight of the girl he is in normal reality? Seek the advice of a doctor can be helpful. But in all cases, it is important to focus on solutions to enhance its appearance that do not pass through diet: hairstyle, clothes ...

Finally, it is important to keep food in its true place in family life: a shared pleasure, a necessity, not an obsession.

Body mass index is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height squared. For adults, BMI should be between 18 and 25.
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