
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Detox fashion until intox

Detoxify, detoxify, cure detox, detox diet, go figure ...  Detox is furiously fashionable. That out of this tote that replaced regimes "slimming"?
Tomorrows festivities, seasonal change, pollution, sallow complexion, fatigue, anxiety, constipation, pain, headaches, allergies, insomnia, buttons ... these are all good reasons to dive into detox.

This fashion comes from some peoples who one day said they held their shape and beauty of a hot lemon juice absorbed every morning or soup or miracle of fasting days. With that, everyone is packed for detox that cleanses. Detox diets and cures have flourished in the press and in publishing. And the business of detox products has also packaged: herbal teas, vinegars, soups, and other powders polvere the same about who pride themselves on bringing slimming.

E-li-mi-down toxins

In detox, it is removing toxins (not fat!) With our poor body is invaded, to hunt waste, to PURIFY. After our sinks and our water closet bowls being cleaned blows products antibacterial is our gut and our entire organization that we must karcheriser (pressure wash) to the skin to these toxins that we poison, to such wastes that accumulate for years and clog our cells.
Really? One wonders how it can be still alive.
If it is, is that it is very well equipped for e-li-mi-down. We have a liver for that which is a real chemical plant: it filters all our blood and eliminates most of these famous toxins that are found in our urine or saddles. But probably not pesticides and other chemical pollutants, which are just beginning to assess the harmfulness and life in our bodies and are certainly not eliminated by detox products, herbal teas or more!

Lemon juice, star of the cure detox

No cure detox without lemon juice: at least one in the morning mixed with hot water and nothing else. Its supposed to clean the intestines and format for the entire day.
This enthusiasm for the lemon juice just some stars who love - and do know - the Lemon Detox or vital Cure .
The Lemon Detox date seventies and publication of a book "Master Cleanser that could lead to Grand cleaning . It is based drink made of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. According to the author, Stanley Burroughs, lemon juice and cayenne pepper are the cleaning ingredients, maple syrup softening the potion.
100 g of lemon juice provide about 50 mg of vitamin C, provided that water is not too hot and does not kill a part. It is understandable that this vitamin C revitalizes, although the effects are not immediate.
Is it because the lemon juice removes some stains (rust, ink) and revives tarnished metals (antique dealers use it) it also cleans the intestines? No nutritionist has yet to provide an answer to this creed of detox.

detox diet

Principles of the detox diet: drink water, broth, herbal teas, fruit juices; eat lots of vegetables and organic fruit, fish and whole grains; use of olive oil; avoid simple sugars; ban or limit alcohol and stimulants (tea and coffee but it is never a question of cola ...) sports, breathe, relax, sleep.
These principles of detox diet are surprisingly similar to those of hygiene and a balanced diet! So much the better if they become really fashionable!
There are some variations in this detox diet, all referred to rather symbolic. For example, eat only white foods (rice, white fish, dairy products): the white is a symbol of purity and thus purifies.


The dark side of the detox is the fast, sure way to detoxify, especially since it has a deeply rooted image of purity for centuries. According gurus detox, this fast lasts more or less time, from 3 days to 3 weeks. It can fast with only water or vegetable broth, or fruit juice or vegetable or lemon juice mixture / maple syrup / cayenne pepper (or ginger) of the Lemon Detox.
Need I remind you that if one or two days of fasting during the weekend are safe for health, it is no longer the case as soon as the fast is extended?

for details click below

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