
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Slimming what aesthetic techniques for my figure

Except for obesity surgery, based on the gastric band and bypass, surgery the best known and most practiced aesthetic is liposuction or liposuction. However there are other cosmetic techniques, much less invasive, which allow to thin some areas: lipolysis, ultrasound, laser, etc. Their use depends on the area to be thinned and extent (stomach, saddlebags, love handles, inner knees, etc.).

The obesity surgery (gastric banding and bypass)
Reserved for obese people, obesity surgery is based on two techniques: the placement of a gastric band that shrinks the volume of the stomach and bypass whose principle is to bypass part of the stomach .

Thus effectively reduces the volume of the digested food (about 40%), which results in a very significant weight loss. This intervention has drawbacks that must be discussed in advance with the surgeon. The cost of this surgery is usually covered by health insurance.

Saddlebags, big belly: the choice of liposuction or liposuction
This cosmetic surgery technique involves sucking clusters localized fat cells. Thus manages to treat relatively large surfaces saddlebags, abdomen, buttocks, but also knees, ankles ...

This intervention is radical and requires hospitalization for one day on average. Its cost is about 2,000 to 3,000 euros. The downside is that liposuction can leave the skin stretched, sometimes requiring a subsequent lift-type intervention.

Other slimming solution lipolysis
This technique is based on aesthetic injections of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate, to break the membrane of fat cells (adipocytes) and remove the contents.

Treating localized fat and charges (10 cm / 10 cm): banana under the buttocks, flanks, inner knees, inner thighs.

This technique (such as following too) is performed as an outpatient, outpatient and may take up to ten sessions depending on the area being treated, each costing about 90 euros.

Cellulite and fat cells: laser lipolysis
With the laser, fat cells are destroyed by heat. The laser also has a retracting effect on the skin tissues. Against the ideal that is cellulite, but not only: belly, waist, arms ...

It takes 1,000 euros for a small sitting area.

Have you thought ultrasound?
This technique uses an ultrasonic frequency capable of destroying the adipocytes. Depending on the frequency used, one can reach the fat cells located at different depths.

May be so treated saddlebags, but especially small areas such as inner knees, arms, thighs, waist, belly ...

Mesotherapy can also help to slim
Mesotherapy involves injecting stimulating microcirculation and factors of lipolysis (caffeine, buflomedil ...). This technique allows to treat relatively large surfaces: saddlebags, orange peel ... It takes ten sessions, each with an average cost of 100 euros.

Aesthetic medicine is progressing rapidly. Take the time to discuss with your cosmetic doctor the various options available to you depending on the area to be treated and its extent. And do not hesitate to talk price: the cost of a meeting, but the number of sessions that will be, a priori, necessary ...

for details click below

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