
Sunday, March 22, 2015

How to lose weight and reshape tailored silhouette

Slimming beauty and redraw the silhouette, the challenge is daunting.

What methods are available and how to approach his ideal?

What are the best ways to lose weight around?

The low-fat diet

The low-fat diet is needed if we are overweight, but not any diet!
Forget restrictive diets (so frustrating) or Express which will be accompanied by a yo-yo effect (early resumption of pounds lost). What is needed is to eat less and eat better especially. The diet should be low calorie but balanced.
Meanwhile, you have to develop new eating habits that will allow you to keep your assets, that is to say not to resume soon weight goal achieved! This is the key to sustainable weight loss.

It must be associated with the regime. Not that the sport is losing weight, but physical activity improves the efficiency of the diet.
Unnecessary to target performance. What matters most is not the intensity but the consistency. And do not forget that physical activity, while stacks.
Also, walk as often as possible, forget the car and lifts, and multiply operations.

What are the best ways to reshape your figure?

He sculpts the silhouette and gives the look!
If you practice to reshape your body (even round, a muscular figure is sexy), prefer specific strength training exercises in a gym, for example.
The most obvious is the abdominal useful when searching for a flat stomach. Remember that most of the exercises target specific groups of muscles. Remains often practice several times a week.

Exercise does not have to be intense to achieve carve.
It takes about thirty minutes of endurance for the body begins to use stored fat reserves.
So for an overall benefit, prefer endurance exercises for at least thirty minutes a day: jogging, walking, biking, swimming ...

What are the best methods to keep the pounds stamped on an area?
Cosmetic surgery
Liposuction can suck localized fat deposits resistant to dieting.
It is indicated if you have a normal weight but display a saddlebags or belly or even fat pads on the knees or hips.

Non-surgical methods

There are other cosmetic techniques, much less invasive, which allow to thin selected areas. These are:

lipolysis (injections of phosphatidylcholine members to break fat cells),
laser lipolysis (breakdown of fat cells by heat)
mesotherapy (injections of stimulants microcirculation and factors of lipolysis).
Their use depends on the area to be thinned and extent (belly, saddlebags, love handles, inner knees, etc.).
for details click below

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