Saturday, March 21, 2015
simple tips to lose weight without dieting lose weight without suffering
It is much easier to lose weight than you think; Then the whole problem is to maintain the desired weight ....
In this article I consider the first step: to lose 3-5 kg in 4 weeks; summer approaches, the beach, the light output is required, you must enter the swimsuit and the athlete should sharpen ...
Here are 10 simple tips, common sense, the result of my experience in the field and one of "my" patients, athletes or not:
Jean-Jacques Menuet, sports nutrition
. 1 General: motivation must be acquired to implement the strategy I propose this for 4 weeks; validation by the attending physician of the real need to lose weight and for somatic or psychological pathologies contrindiquent wasting no question of doing anything, the doctor is there to ensure the health of its citizens . I do not want to talk about diet, synonymous with hassle, frustration, punishment, simply because our balance is based on the respect of a pleasure power. Yes you can eat cabbage soup every day diet that works! eat only fruits (the fruit diet) and after ...
. 2 TAKE THE TIME TO EAT, chew food; what for? causing the feeling of satiety is the longer the "contact" brain food with the amount of volume ingested. A meal should not be less than 20 minutes with short breaks between each dish; yes I know, it is not obvious, but decided to lose weight it is also useless to accept challenge, change habits.
3 Breakfast. Daily from sunrise before the toilet, a third of a glass of water at room T ° in which you mix the juice of half a lemon. If possible hot drink will be represented by tea, not too brewed unsweetened or sweetened with one teaspoon of fructose, if possible black tea. On three consecutive days: Day 1 = one slice 50g toasted wholemeal bread and a slice of ham (or slice chicken) well degreased; a baked apple; drink a glass of calcium enriched soya or a glass of water with good c-tablespoon skim milk powder; in this drink mix 2 teaspoons moderately curved protein more than 90%, good quality nutrition with a balanced amino acid profile, such as "Régéprot" in Overstim. Day 2: Half a ripe pineapple medium or 300g of black grapes with a very thin skin, and then do not eat the skin. Day 3: In a shaker mix: a ripe banana, a few strawberries (the original gariguettes France!), Drink a glass of calcium-fortified soy, ie shave 3 tablespoons oatmeal, some grapes dry dip that made the night. And the cycle continues for three days.
. 4 A MANDATORY snack (it can not be discussed!) At 11am (except breakfast was consumed at 10am!) Rotate every three days: 40g St Moret lightened a full biscuit or 2 teaspoons fructose jam (strawberry or apricot) on a full or rusk finally a small pot contains no sugar.
. Noon 5: one starts with a scheme over three days; Day 1: a small entrance with 3 ie lentil soup (if possible green lentils) or chickpeas: legumes are rich in protein and increase protein intake optimizes the "melting" fat. They are also a good source of carbohydrate digestive absorption and slow to lose weight we must maintain a level of sugar in blood stable throughout the day. Because hypoglycaemia is accompanied by a "craving" very frequently followed by compulsive consumption of sweet food that goes, I do not detail the complex mechanism, cause the pancreas to "squirt" of insulin is then the best way to prepare diabetes. Sauce = a squeeze of lemon, a little salt, and a tablespoon of walnut oil coffee. A main course cooked = 200g of oily fish (salmon or salmon trout) A nice plate of green vegetable (steam so slow cooking, so vitamins are retained): zucchini, spinach, broccoli, eggplant, green beans extra fine, Swiss, leek, turnip, etc.. For people who have little time to cook the solution may be to use frozen vegetables: many brands, with varieties mixed against by not opting for varieties that already contain 5% oil ... No to limit the amount of these vegetables, equally dependent on the digestive tolerance and appetite. No bread. The dessert is limited to a small cluster of black grapes just fine, or a peach or nectarine, always favor good fruit walls that contain vitamins and trace elements that are present in the leaks at maturity. 2nd day: a beautiful artichoke, with a teaspoon of olive oil; take the time to enjoy it; 120g no more white meat or poultry (without skin) cooked without mg: turkey, chicken, veal, or ham. A medium potato steamed with the skin, or the equivalent of 1/3 bowl of rice, pasta, quinoa, polenta (cornmeal); add a small knob of butter raw (never cooked butter); some St Moret 0% 0% or fresh cheese or Camembert or St Nectaire or fresh goat cheese.
Day 3: a glass of vegetable juice entry 15 minutes before sitting down to eat (carrots, cucumber, raw beetroot which has excellent qualities to optimize blood circulation, ½ ½ lemon or grapefruit, or half a green apple, spinach, celery, add parsley, chives): Here are a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, drinking quietly in 4-5 minutes, enjoy it, take the time. 120g and no more than 5% chopped steak, grilled without mg. A salad of green beans; one slice of toast; a salad of seasonal fruit, unsweetened or sweetened with a teaspoon of fructose.
6. A MANDATORY snack (it can not be discussed!) To 17h
An apple or a pear to eat quietly, with skin; drink a glass of calcium enriched soya or a glass of water with good c-tablespoon skim milk powder; in this drink mix 2 teaspoons moderately curved protein more than 90%, cf. Details breakfast; a slice of wholemeal toast.
Dinner 7. The
Adept very dependent "cult worshipers soup," I advise willingly entered a small bowl of vegetable soup; there are many varieties of brick, sometimes with mixed vegetables quite tasty. This soup can be eaten hot, warm or cold; if possible every day ... then resume a cycle, but four days
Day 1: 200g gray or prawns or natural canned tuna, 2c to rice soup or a small potato and a nice plate of ratatouille; a fruit dessert cooked.
2nd day: an omelet with a whole egg and egg white, green salad with a small potato, stewed fruit sugar house.
Day 3: add some vermicelli soup; a plate of tomatoes with mozzarella lots of parsley, chives; dessert "pleasure"-type floating island, cream caramel crumble with lots of fruit and very little pulp, strawberries with light cream;
4th day: always soup (for those who forgot ...), a slice of ham or ham or a slice of smoked salmon or salmon trout, mixed vegetables (bag type "fried" in frozen) a slice (30g no more) complete toast; a nature or white 20% yogurt cheese with some red fruit, sweeten with a teaspoon of fructose.
8. Miscellaneous
Sprinkle morning and evening food or dish with wheat germ (the equivalent of a teaspoon); eat morning and evening bag or blister Magnesium if you digestive tolerance permits; In the morning you can eat spirulina (rich in minerals and iron); and evening bulb royal jelly.
9. MOVING agree, but how?
THE SPORTS: to sharpen it will favor a property cycle, he knows how; but also by splitting during these aerobic workouts, otherwise it will end up "diesel" complete. ; it will extend its outputs, well learn to breathe.
NON SPORTS: Well I do not use the word "sport" but Im talking about physical activity; and even if it is not much it will always be better than nothing; every day I have to MOVE; all cars are good if Im more sedentary: make the most of shopping using my pair of legs: buy bread, newspaper, go post mail, do not remove my son by parking my car in the playground: before you park and walk! Down one or two metro stations or bus before my workplace; its nice, well I go to work on foot or by bike (I get up a little earlier): I visit my city or village, I rediscovered the facades, ornate houses, the atmosphere of places I know more; I like to walk, my spouse also, my dog too, so in the evening instead of watching TV we marched a good half hour at a rapid pace. I have an outfit for running: Well Ill make a leisurely jog around 7km / h, but by grafting in the session 3 or 4 sets of 2-3mns 10km / h. I have a bike in the garage, well I retype, I saddle height and settings checked by a friend who loves cycling, and I go riding at the beginning 30 minutes, then 40, then 50, etc.. at a steady pace and occasionally I split 2 minutes at a higher intensity. I have good walking shoes: Well Ill walk in the forest, in the countryside, I breathe, I make some movements, stretching, I take care of my body, I listen to my feelings. I know how to swim: well I put up a snap: Ill start, even poach a friend, a girlfriend, for an RV several times a week. Every day? not easy; saying we should carry out a structured at least 3 times per week physical activity; against by every day I find time to walk at least 20 mins continuously. Remember: I decided that I must take care of my body. You should drink while walking, driving, swimming (at the edge of a tin basin) during sports regularly drink plain water if the activity lasts less than 70mns, and add a little syrup if the activity exceeds the duration.
10. Banned?
Alcohol: maximum 2 drinks per week, this is a port, a beer, a glass of wine, a large glass of cider; and yes we must make the effort.
Sodas, sugary drinks, ice creams, sorbets, pastries, meats: frankly sorry but you will decrease your chances of success. Think of your very objective; you possibly can strengthen your motivation through work of the mind; a tool such as relaxation therapy can help; you will find sessions on site site on which I recorded sessions that can be downloaded.
I can not drink water? well follow this advice for a drink to consume throughout the day a little by a little, except during meals and physical activity (at the table drinking a glass of water medium size meals) morning to prepare a one-liter bottle and a half of plain water a liter of Cranberry light of the brand Ocean (blue cap) 250ml juice of half a lemon, the rest of the bottle filled with tea little infused; no sugar; and here is a refreshing drink and drains.
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