
Thursday, March 26, 2015


Go for the wave of dieting!
Impossible to penetrate in a newsagent, walk past a kiosk without being assailed by magazine covers and titles on weight loss!

How can you resist this trap returning each spring?

Weight loss for the swimsuit ...

In press language, traditional spring section is called "a chestnut." There has recurring subjects that sell, weight loss is. It was also at this season out the books devoted to this activity, multiply commercials and television files that are piling up in the products of all kinds pharmacies to lose weight. In short, its February / March to June, the business of weight loss weighs heavier. This season would correspond to the desire of women to buy their next jersey bathroom in anticipation of the holidays.
Hence the promises, for twenty years, to lose a few extra pounds reaped weeks in winter, thanks to a unique system and of course without any danger or even without dieting.

Board: 5 to less than 15 or 20 pounds ...

And sometimes even more!
We are equipped from the beginning of time to resist hunger.
When private, our body will dim, spends less energy.
After dieting, it remange as before since we did not correct her eating habits. Sometimes even more to compensate for the frustrations.
What is happening then?
Not only taken up the lost weight, but over the years, the extra pounds that accumulate. For the body, remembering that he was deprived, continues to spend less calories.
Thus the "thinness" schemes lead to obesity.
It is their great danger. And here too often leads the desire to lose weight fast.

Slimming and calmly and surely find a normal weight

Its not really complicated!
Banish the word "diet" of your head.
This is eating regularly and copiously but not fat and never beyond his appetite.

Start with breakfast:
a minimum of 50g of wholemeal bread, lightly buttered (no more than 5 g);
a fruit or a fruit salad (rather than a juice that does not fill you up);
a dairy, yogurt or cottage cheese;
the beverage of your choice: coffee, tea, milk (skim 1/2).

Organize your lunch with:

meat or fish;
with vegetables LOTS (300 g or more) cooked with little fat (a tablespoon maximum 2 people).
If you want a rawness to start your meal, pay attention to oil dressing!
a dairy, yogurt or cottage cheese;
a fruit;
and bread: 50 g minimum.
For dinner:
always start with a good vegetable soup: its the right way to eat without adding fat.
If you do not have time to prepare, use its trade, brick ready to warm up, the choices abound and they are not fat.
some meat or fish or eggs;
possibly vegetables, all cooked with very little fat;
a dairy;
and bread: 50 g minimum.

To lose weight, eat slowly

It is really essential.
One can lose weight just by eating slowly so allow time for the satiety mechanisms to get started.
This is not the case when one eats at full speed without paying attention to his feelings. Because we eat so beyond its energy needs without feeling full. So, it tightens or nibble something fatty / sugary later. And too eat without even realizing it.

Experience! Chew, analyze the sensations you experience during your meal.
You will see that as your hunger subsides, a pleasant feeling of satiety is gradually moved.
The result: you have less desire to eat; what is left on your plate you think less and less good then it was at the beginning, you do not feel frustrated.

Munchies? Nibbling?

These are often the cause of the weight gain.
Insufficient food and / or too low in complex carbohydrates and protein and / or too high in fat can create real cravings that drive to eat something, usually fat and sweet.
By rebalancing power according to the above model, they disappear.
Boredom, stress, anxiety also encourage snacking to care or calm. Then nothing can replace common sense, will also find another way to appease or allay her ?? boredom. It is then that any physical activity is useful, especially walking.

Want to eat and drink ...

Charcuterie? Cheese? Pizza? Cakes? Sweet dessert?
From time to time in small quantities.
And offset to the next meal or a dish cooked without fat, meat or roasted poultry, baked fish, for example.
Sugary drinks?
Are you really sure I want?
As do you eat without paying attention, out of habit? Ask yourself the question.
Thirsty? Water quenches much better than a soda that gives you a dose of sugar disastrous because it will give you hungry unbalance your body.
Drink a occasionally, outside, coffee or friends. But banish sugary drinks from your daily habits.

To lose weight, get moving!

Just as much as too fat diet, too sweet, too copious,
sedentary lifestyle is conducive to the kilos of installation.
You walk every day? I Do Not.
Then, schedule a time daily walk.
You do not have the time?
Split: 20 minutes or 3 times 4 times 15 minutes.
Park your car further away, get off at the bus stop before and finish off.
It is only a question of organization: if you want.
And it is essential to lose weight better.

for details click below

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