
Monday, March 16, 2015

Last Week of the Eades Cure

Week 6 of The 6 Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle

It feels like I have established a new set point ten pounds lower than my start.  I dropped ten pounds easily in the first two weeks and then bounced around plus or minus two pounds for the next month.  The Cure is simple and effective.

The First Weeks of The Cure

The 6 Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle was written by Drs. Mary Dan and Michael Eades to efficiently lose abdominal visceral fat and tone the abs.  It starts with two weeks of three whey protein/cream/leucine shakes and one high fat/protein-low carb veggie meal per day.  This surprisingly tolerable regime (without all but essential medications, no alcohol and no grains) helps to reduce fatty liver and use up visceral fat around the abdominal organs.  I noticed the impact immediately and lost about a pound a day.  This also eliminated hunger and exposed snacking habits.

The Middle Weeks of The Cure

The second two weeks of The Cure permits occasional alcoholic beverages and three low carb meals per day, but without dairy.  That is basically meat/fish/eggs and low carb veggies for each meal.  Most calories were from fat rather than carbs.  Portion control became a new issue, but hunger was still not a problem.  The meals were very satisfying.  Energy for exercise returned, but weight loss ebbed.  It was harder to stay away from old snacking habits, since meals were back to a more normal pattern.

The Last Weeks of The Cure

During the last weeks of The Cure there is a final turn to what may be for some a new, low carb, higher fat eating style.  I chose The Cure, because I already knew that the eating philosophy of the Drs. Eades was consistent with my own anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle.  I did not expect to be surprised by The Cure, but I was.  I learned a lot about my own eating habits.

Gut Flora Matter

I started The Cure, because I thought that the progression of dietary components would destabilize my gut flora and simultaneously destabilize my weight set point.  I anticipated that my gut flora would reorient, and they did.  There were all kinds of changes and some of the weight loss and gain was probably elimination of a pound of gut flora and reestablishment of a new bacterial order.  The new order also came with a lower body weight.

Hunger Comes with Carbs

For the first month of the diet, I was only hungry if I went longer than six hours without eating or if I slipped on the diet and introduced some extra carbs.  Straight protein early in the morning can cause an insulin rise and a blood sugar dip that leads to a little hypoglycemia, but it produces dullness, rather than hunger.  The only problem with the easy weight loss first two weeks, was that there was less energy with the protein shakes.

BMs Are Bacterial Motivated

The noticeable changes in bowel movements during The Cure, should have been expected, but they forced me to contemplate stools.  When I first realized the absurdity of eating breakfast cereals, because of their high carb/grain content, I went in search of alternative day-starters in other cultures.  At that time, I was still hesitant to embrace saturated fats, so I ran across salsas and stewed tomatoes.  The addition of stewed tomatoes to my breakfast (usually stewed tomatoes on a poached egg) made my gut happy and regular. 

The point in this context, is that my studies of BMs and constipation brought pectin to my attention again.  I had previously considered pectin (poly galacturonic acid) as a competitor for biofilm acidic polysaccharides, but in this context pectin is also recommended to aid the development of probiotic biofilms.  Thus, I added apples to The Cure, to help the establishment of a new bacterial order.  The rapid result was a return to a happy, regular gut.  This was the duh moment.  Apples = pectin, tomatoes = pectin, and pectin = happy gut flora.  Adding either apples or tomatoes to your diet can make your gut flora happy.  An apple (or tomato) a day keeps the antibiotics away.

The Cure Works

The Cure did what I expected and more.  My wife was also pleased with the rapid initial weight loss and an ongoing loss of about a pound per week.  The continued loss is due to alteration of diet with a further reduction in carbs.  The Cure makes the connection between weight retention and a high carb diet.  Elimination of grains/starch makes weight loss much easier.  Absence of sugar, high fructose corn syrup and other sources of fructose also makes weight loss easier.  The inclusion of saturated fats and elimination of omega-6 vegetable oils is anti-inflammatory and provides an improved sense of well being.  I recommend The Cure, because it simply works.
for details click below

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