
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blood Pressure Something that Everybody should know about

Did you know that high blood pressure is the same as hypertension. It actually the medical term for high blood pressure. High blood pressure has no signs or symptoms. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to get tested.

By taking steps to lower your blood pressure, you can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Lowering your blood pressure can also help you live a longer, healthier life.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is how hard your blood pushes against the walls of your arteries when your heart pumps blood.

Arteries are the tubes that carry blood away from your heart. Every time your heart beats, it pumps blood through your arteries to the rest of your body.

How can I get my blood pressure checked?

To test your blood pressure, the nurse or doctor will put a cuff around your upper arm and pump up the cuff with air until it feels tight.

This usually takes less than a minute. The doctor or nurse can tell you what your blood pressure numbers are right after the test is over.

You can also check your own blood pressure with a blood pressure machine. You can find blood pressure machines in malls, pharmacies, and grocery stores.

What do blood pressure numbers mean?

A blood pressure test measures you how hard your heart is working to pump blood through your body.

Blood pressure is measured with 2 numbers. The first number is the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The second number is the pressure in your arteries between each beat, when your heart relaxes.

Compare your blood pressure to these numbers:

Normal blood pressure is lower than 120/80 (said “120 over 80”).
High blood pressure is 140/90 or higher.
Blood pressure that’s between normal and high (for example, 130/85) is called pre hypertension , or high normal blood pressure.

Am I at risk for high blood pressure?

One in 3 Americans has high blood pressure. Most Americans over age 40 are at risk.

You may be at extra risk for high blood pressure if you:

  • Are overweight or obese
  • Smoke
  • Have a family history of high blood pressure
  • Eat foods high in sodium (salt)
  • Get less than 30 minutes of activity on most days
  • Drink more than a moderate amount of alcohol (2 drinks a day for men or 1 drink a day for women)
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Sunday, March 29, 2015

CrockPot Green Bean Casserole

Day 161.

Its day 2 of Retro Week!

That is not a picture of dog barf. Its green bean casserole. Ive never actually had green bean casserole. Its on the table, lots, during the holidays, and Im sure Ive put some on my plate, but I dont actually eat it.

I dont like canned green beans. My grandma makes a 3-bean salad that uses canned green beans, and I like that. But thats it.

I kind of could go on and on about why I find canned green beans icky. But Im not going to, because they are staple in a lot of homes, and I should be nice.

Canned green beans are not my cup of tea.

I really like fresh green beans, though, and in honor of Retro Week decided to make a new-and-improved green bean casserole. In the crockpot.

The Ingredients.

--1 lb fresh green beans
--2 cups homemade cream of mushroom soup.
--1 cup General Mills Rice Chex cereal (make sure the label is marked Gluten Free if you are gluten free. There are still some old boxes on shelves)
--1/2 t onion powder
--1/3 cup shredded parmesan cheese

if you would like the recipe using the canned cream of mushroom soup, it is here. This recipe calls for 4 cups of cooked green beans. Since youre going to be using your crock, the fresh will cook nicely, and you can put in raw beans.

The Directions.

Wash and trim the green beans. If you feel the need to cut the green beans so they are all the same length, go for it, but they will cook fine left uneven.

Add the frozen soup, or canned soup and the milk that the canned soup version asks for. Mix the green beans with the liquid.

Put the rice chex in a ziploc and smash to desired crumbiness. Add the onion powder and the parmesan to the bag, and shake to mix.

Pour evenly over the top of the beans.

Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours, or on high for 2-3.

The Verdict.

I liked this much better than the canned green bean casserole. The green beans still had a crunch, even after being slow-cooked. The topping wasnt as crisp as it would have been if I had used the frenchs fried onions, but the flavor was there, and the cheese added a nice salty flavor. The homemade cream of mushroom rocks, and was quite flavorful.

The brown chunks of mushroom were really unnerving, though. It felt like we were eating dog food. Or puked-up dog food.

But it tasted good. I dont know what to think of this. It worked, it tasted good, and if you like green bean casserole, youd probably like it. I think I like lightly steamed green beans better with a squeeze of lemon. or stir-fried with some chili oil. or baked with salmon. or in a stew.

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Running on an empty stomach to lose weight

Physical endurance exercise performed fasting seems more effective for burning fat than the same exercise performed after eating.

Training potentiates this effect, particularly in the woman ... ??

Energy expenditure, fasting sport and thinning
It is well known, the type and duration of physical activity has an important influence on the mobilization of energy reserves of the organism. The nutritional status of a sport (amateur or not) also affects energy expenditure.

To be physically active fasting increases the use of fat to achieve muscular work.

Significant differences between exercise fasting and exercise on a full stomach
Indeed, for the same low intensity exercise, in a normal person, the effort made fasting burns about 45% fat (by "melt" fat, a reaction called lipolysis), while after the ingestion of glucose, same effort burns half less fat ??.

This observation is also true if the effort is more intense: the use of carbohydrates is twice as important if food intake is 8 to 12 hours before the service.

Running fasting can it help lose weight?
From there to lose weight?

Presumably, as highlighted the work of a team of French researchers from the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse.

In obese person, conditions of moderate intensity exercise mobilize 47% of fat in energy expenditure, against only 31% after eating, which, if the effort is repeated regularly and is associated with a reduced calorie diet, inevitably leads to weight loss.
Long-distance race
This effect "fat-burning" has its limits.

It is maximum for an effort of moderate intensity (jogging) after an overnight fast but fall rapidly with increasing violence of effort (fast running).

However, more effort is prolonged in time, the more the body will draw energy in fat in adipose tissue and even more if the activity is practiced fasting.

The training burns more
Accustom the body to physical effort fasting also improves the efficiency of fat oxidation, through a metabolic adaptation of the body, more favorable to the use of lipids.

The woman here has undeniable advantages over man. Indeed, at a moderate intensity exercise in obese people, lipolysis and fat oxidation is significantly better for the women.

In conclusion, benefit women and exercise of moderate intensity
In other words, women mobilize more fat than men fasting, but only for low and medium intensity exercise.

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Friday, March 27, 2015

Slow Cooker Pumpkin Granola

Im pushing it. Its still summer, I know. I cant help it --- we picked out all the school supplies and then the pumpkin candle aisle got me. 

And all of a sudden I NEEDED a bit of fall right this very second. The kids start school again on the 27th, and even though the weather is still hot out (this is actually the SF Bay Areas best weather of the year; if you ever come for a visit, pick somewhere between the end of August through the first week of October if you can swing it) (and by hot, I mean 75 which I know for a lot of you isnt hot but were big babies here, so feel free to completely ignore me), and Im still doing laundry from last weeks beach trip I wanted something fall-ish.

so I made granola. 

My friend Jennifer (not this one or this one or this one or this one) made a batch of granola to take on our beach trip and we ate it every day over greek yogurt in the room so we didnt pay the *exorbitant* hotel breakfast prices.

this isnt her recipe; she says she doesnt really have one. Ive made granola in the slow cooker before, and like that I can wander away from it and not have it burn. I wanted to use leftover canned pumpkin, so it did need to cook longer than I thought it should so it wasnt a soggy mess. And, you should put dried fruit in near the end so they dont shrivel up on you.


The Ingredients.
serves 12 (lasts 5-7 days in our house over yogurt for breakfast for 5 people)
(freezes well, the raisins will get hard, but then soften again)

5 cups of rolled oats (we use certified gluten free)
3/4 cup canned pumpkin puree
1/2 to 3/4 cup honey (start with the smaller amount)
1 cup whole almonds (or use toasted pumpkin seeds)
1 cup dried cranberries/raisins or mixture (add last hour)
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt

The Directions.

Use a large slow cooker -- I used a 6.5-quart. Its not a typo that I didnt add any butter or oil; I wanted to see if it would work without any, and it did! The pumpkin helped to coat the oats and provided enough moisture to keep it from burning and the honey did a good job of providing sweetness and a bit of a binder.

Stir everything but the dried fruit in. The honey will be gloppy--- just stir the best you can. Cover, and cook in a vented slow cooker (prop lid open with chopstick or wooden spoon) on high for 4 hours, stirring every 30 minutes or so. Add dried fruit the last 30-minutes to an hour. There really isnt an exact science here--- when youre happy with the texture and the consistency, its done!

Let cool completely-- the oats will get a bit harder and crispier after cooling (you can spread it all out on layers of foil or paper towels or parchment paper on the counter to speed up the cooling process).

Store in an airtight container in either the fridge or the freezer.

Hey Steph, how come you dont just bake it in the oven? Honestly, its easier for me to set a timer for 30 minutes and come back and stir the pot throughout the day then it is for me to camp out in the kitchen for 30-45 minutes straight and stir every 5-10 minutes to keep the granola from burning. I just dont have that type of time unless the kids are asleep, and this way they can help stir.

Its a lifestyle choice--- someday they wont be attached to my leg and I can open the oven door safely, but for now, its just not an option! :-)

Happy (almost) fall, and Happy (almost) school season!

Stay Tuned this fall, because Im going to be hosting daily giveaways again!!

Also, its time to reorder a new copy of Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life --- Im so happy and proud of the way this journal turned out and has been received; thank you!

bonus fun photo of a Pismo Beach Crab!

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Thursday, March 26, 2015


Go for the wave of dieting!
Impossible to penetrate in a newsagent, walk past a kiosk without being assailed by magazine covers and titles on weight loss!

How can you resist this trap returning each spring?

Weight loss for the swimsuit ...

In press language, traditional spring section is called "a chestnut." There has recurring subjects that sell, weight loss is. It was also at this season out the books devoted to this activity, multiply commercials and television files that are piling up in the products of all kinds pharmacies to lose weight. In short, its February / March to June, the business of weight loss weighs heavier. This season would correspond to the desire of women to buy their next jersey bathroom in anticipation of the holidays.
Hence the promises, for twenty years, to lose a few extra pounds reaped weeks in winter, thanks to a unique system and of course without any danger or even without dieting.

Board: 5 to less than 15 or 20 pounds ...

And sometimes even more!
We are equipped from the beginning of time to resist hunger.
When private, our body will dim, spends less energy.
After dieting, it remange as before since we did not correct her eating habits. Sometimes even more to compensate for the frustrations.
What is happening then?
Not only taken up the lost weight, but over the years, the extra pounds that accumulate. For the body, remembering that he was deprived, continues to spend less calories.
Thus the "thinness" schemes lead to obesity.
It is their great danger. And here too often leads the desire to lose weight fast.

Slimming and calmly and surely find a normal weight

Its not really complicated!
Banish the word "diet" of your head.
This is eating regularly and copiously but not fat and never beyond his appetite.

Start with breakfast:
a minimum of 50g of wholemeal bread, lightly buttered (no more than 5 g);
a fruit or a fruit salad (rather than a juice that does not fill you up);
a dairy, yogurt or cottage cheese;
the beverage of your choice: coffee, tea, milk (skim 1/2).

Organize your lunch with:

meat or fish;
with vegetables LOTS (300 g or more) cooked with little fat (a tablespoon maximum 2 people).
If you want a rawness to start your meal, pay attention to oil dressing!
a dairy, yogurt or cottage cheese;
a fruit;
and bread: 50 g minimum.
For dinner:
always start with a good vegetable soup: its the right way to eat without adding fat.
If you do not have time to prepare, use its trade, brick ready to warm up, the choices abound and they are not fat.
some meat or fish or eggs;
possibly vegetables, all cooked with very little fat;
a dairy;
and bread: 50 g minimum.

To lose weight, eat slowly

It is really essential.
One can lose weight just by eating slowly so allow time for the satiety mechanisms to get started.
This is not the case when one eats at full speed without paying attention to his feelings. Because we eat so beyond its energy needs without feeling full. So, it tightens or nibble something fatty / sugary later. And too eat without even realizing it.

Experience! Chew, analyze the sensations you experience during your meal.
You will see that as your hunger subsides, a pleasant feeling of satiety is gradually moved.
The result: you have less desire to eat; what is left on your plate you think less and less good then it was at the beginning, you do not feel frustrated.

Munchies? Nibbling?

These are often the cause of the weight gain.
Insufficient food and / or too low in complex carbohydrates and protein and / or too high in fat can create real cravings that drive to eat something, usually fat and sweet.
By rebalancing power according to the above model, they disappear.
Boredom, stress, anxiety also encourage snacking to care or calm. Then nothing can replace common sense, will also find another way to appease or allay her ?? boredom. It is then that any physical activity is useful, especially walking.

Want to eat and drink ...

Charcuterie? Cheese? Pizza? Cakes? Sweet dessert?
From time to time in small quantities.
And offset to the next meal or a dish cooked without fat, meat or roasted poultry, baked fish, for example.
Sugary drinks?
Are you really sure I want?
As do you eat without paying attention, out of habit? Ask yourself the question.
Thirsty? Water quenches much better than a soda that gives you a dose of sugar disastrous because it will give you hungry unbalance your body.
Drink a occasionally, outside, coffee or friends. But banish sugary drinks from your daily habits.

To lose weight, get moving!

Just as much as too fat diet, too sweet, too copious,
sedentary lifestyle is conducive to the kilos of installation.
You walk every day? I Do Not.
Then, schedule a time daily walk.
You do not have the time?
Split: 20 minutes or 3 times 4 times 15 minutes.
Park your car further away, get off at the bus stop before and finish off.
It is only a question of organization: if you want.
And it is essential to lose weight better.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Detox fashion until intox

Detoxify, detoxify, cure detox, detox diet, go figure ...  Detox is furiously fashionable. That out of this tote that replaced regimes "slimming"?
Tomorrows festivities, seasonal change, pollution, sallow complexion, fatigue, anxiety, constipation, pain, headaches, allergies, insomnia, buttons ... these are all good reasons to dive into detox.

This fashion comes from some peoples who one day said they held their shape and beauty of a hot lemon juice absorbed every morning or soup or miracle of fasting days. With that, everyone is packed for detox that cleanses. Detox diets and cures have flourished in the press and in publishing. And the business of detox products has also packaged: herbal teas, vinegars, soups, and other powders polvere the same about who pride themselves on bringing slimming.

E-li-mi-down toxins

In detox, it is removing toxins (not fat!) With our poor body is invaded, to hunt waste, to PURIFY. After our sinks and our water closet bowls being cleaned blows products antibacterial is our gut and our entire organization that we must karcheriser (pressure wash) to the skin to these toxins that we poison, to such wastes that accumulate for years and clog our cells.
Really? One wonders how it can be still alive.
If it is, is that it is very well equipped for e-li-mi-down. We have a liver for that which is a real chemical plant: it filters all our blood and eliminates most of these famous toxins that are found in our urine or saddles. But probably not pesticides and other chemical pollutants, which are just beginning to assess the harmfulness and life in our bodies and are certainly not eliminated by detox products, herbal teas or more!

Lemon juice, star of the cure detox

No cure detox without lemon juice: at least one in the morning mixed with hot water and nothing else. Its supposed to clean the intestines and format for the entire day.
This enthusiasm for the lemon juice just some stars who love - and do know - the Lemon Detox or vital Cure .
The Lemon Detox date seventies and publication of a book "Master Cleanser that could lead to Grand cleaning . It is based drink made of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. According to the author, Stanley Burroughs, lemon juice and cayenne pepper are the cleaning ingredients, maple syrup softening the potion.
100 g of lemon juice provide about 50 mg of vitamin C, provided that water is not too hot and does not kill a part. It is understandable that this vitamin C revitalizes, although the effects are not immediate.
Is it because the lemon juice removes some stains (rust, ink) and revives tarnished metals (antique dealers use it) it also cleans the intestines? No nutritionist has yet to provide an answer to this creed of detox.

detox diet

Principles of the detox diet: drink water, broth, herbal teas, fruit juices; eat lots of vegetables and organic fruit, fish and whole grains; use of olive oil; avoid simple sugars; ban or limit alcohol and stimulants (tea and coffee but it is never a question of cola ...) sports, breathe, relax, sleep.
These principles of detox diet are surprisingly similar to those of hygiene and a balanced diet! So much the better if they become really fashionable!
There are some variations in this detox diet, all referred to rather symbolic. For example, eat only white foods (rice, white fish, dairy products): the white is a symbol of purity and thus purifies.


The dark side of the detox is the fast, sure way to detoxify, especially since it has a deeply rooted image of purity for centuries. According gurus detox, this fast lasts more or less time, from 3 days to 3 weeks. It can fast with only water or vegetable broth, or fruit juice or vegetable or lemon juice mixture / maple syrup / cayenne pepper (or ginger) of the Lemon Detox.
Need I remind you that if one or two days of fasting during the weekend are safe for health, it is no longer the case as soon as the fast is extended?

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Indicators of HIV Infection AIDS Symptoms

If you recently engaged in high-risk behavior, the best way to confirm HIV infection is to get an HIV test. Get tested for your own sake and for the sake of others: HIV is highly infectious in the early stages. The body hasnt produced antibodies to HIV yet so an antibody test may not pick it up. There are, however, some symptoms that can indicate you are HIV-positive. You may experience flu-like symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS). A mild fever, about 102 degrees F, is one of the first signs of ARS. The fever is usually accompanied by other mild symptoms such as fatigue, swollen lymph glands, sore throat and headache. 

Indicators of HIV Infection

  • Fatigue is another symptom of HIV. It is caused by the inflammatory response generated by the immune system. Fatigue is both an early and later sign of HIV. My friend Terry started worrying about her health when she suddenly got out of breath before covering her daily three miles walk. She had tested HIV positive two decades earlier.
  • Achy muscles and joint pains are usually mistaken for flue or other viral infections, syphilis or hepatitis but are actually signs of HIV as are swollen lymph nodes. Lymph nodes constitute your bodys system of immunity and will get inflamed when HIV is present. Many of them are found around the armpit, groin, and neck area.
  • Skin rashes can occur early or late in the course of infection. These are typically boil-like with itchy pink areas on the arms. Rashes can also appear on the trunk of the body. 
  • Short- term nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, according to Dr. Malvestutto, affects 30% to 60% of people in the early stages of HIV. They can also occur as a result of antiretroviral therapy or as opportunistic infections. 
  • Weight loss is the result of a depleted immune system. It is an indicator of a more advanced illness. The patient loses a lot of weight even when they feed well. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one is considered to have wasting syndrome if they lose 10% or more of their body weight and have suffered from diarrhea and fever for more than one month. 
  • Prolonged dry Cough is an early sign but can also be experienced by very ill patients. These can presage serious opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis, pneumonia (PCP) cytomegalovirus, a type of herpes virus; and yeast infections such as thrush. Night sweats and nails changes such as clubbing, splitting or discoloration (black or brown horizontal or vertical lines). This is often due to fungal infections. Yeast infections such as mouth thrush caused by Candida also occur in the later stages of HIV. 
  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating is a sign of HIV- related dementia and may be accompanied by memory and behavioral problems. Cold sores (oral herpes) or genital herpes can be a sign of both ARS and HIV infection. Other symptoms of HIV include numbness and tingling in the hands; weakness and menstrual irregularities.
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Citrus Glazed Chicken Slow Cooker Recipe

Ive labeled the above photo so you know what it is --- its human food, I promise. I struggle with my food photography. Ive taken classes, and know that Im supposed to take the food out of the pot when its a bit under-done or when it has just finished cooking.

I own lighting and a backdrop. Im just now realizing that the little "wb" on my camera means white balance and what the different little symbols are supposed to do.

But I dont follow the rules Im supposed to follow, and more often than not, I plate the food for the family before realizing that I have broken all the guidelines and I have YET AGAIN produced an ugly looking plate of food.

Yeeps. Im sorry about that.

Instead, I can attest to the taste. This is a great citrus chicken -- the flavors are sweet but not candy-coated sweet, and the sauce isnt greasy. My three kids gobbled all of this up, and my husband took the leftovers to work for lunch the next day.

I used a 4-quart slow cooker because it was already out on the countertop. If youd like to use a larger pot, increase the quantities by 1/3.


[updated. Thank you to Barbara G. for highlighting my photo in photoshop and sending it back for me to upload!!]

Citrus Glazed Chicken.
serves 4-6

2 oranges, peeled and separated into segments
3 pounds chicken thighs (I use boneless/skinless, your choice)
1 onion, sliced in rings
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup chili sauce (in the ketchup aisle)
1 tablespoon gluten-free soy sauce
1 tablespoon molasses
1 teaspoon ground mustard
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

The Directions

Use a 4-quart slow cooker. Put the orange segments into the bottom of your cooker, and place the chicken directly on top, and add the onion rings. In a mixing bowl, combine the garlic, orange juice, chili sauce, soy sauce, molasses, ground mustard, ginger, and pepper. Whisk together and pour evenly on top of the chicken. Cover, and cook on low for 5-6 hours, or on high for about 4 hours. Serve on a bed of rice with a spoonful of accumulated juices.

The Verdict.
The whole family loved this dish, and Ive made it a few times TV-Dinner style to have ready to go in the freezer. The orange segments cook away and slightly disappear in the sauce, but give off great orange flavor and texture. If youd prefer a slightly sweeter version, you can certainly use canned mandarin oranges instead of the fresh.
I have a stash of chili sauce in the house because the store was running a special, but if youre wary of high-fructose (with good reason!) or want a homemade version, heres the recipe Ive used with great success:

HomeMade Chili Sauce

makes approximately 2 cups; store in airtight container in the fridge for 6 months

2 cups tomato sauce (not pasta sauce!)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup vinegar (apple cider or white vinegar)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon allspice
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper (just a pinch!)

Dont forget to check out all the great giveaways weve got going on! New giveaways are posted quite often, so keep checking!! :-)
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Sunday, March 22, 2015

CrockPot Chicken Cordon Bleu

Day 219.

This sounds fancy. It is.

But it is also incredibly easy and fast to assemble.

You should make it.

Right now.

Jacqueline, who doesnt have a blog, but is thinking of starting one (and we should really edge her on...psst. Jacque... all the cool kids are doing it) sent me this recipe a few weeks ago. I made some tweaks, but this is still most definitely her recipe. Its delicious.

The Ingredients.

--4 chicken breast halves, pounded thin
--4-8 slices of ham (I used honey smoked turkey breast because of the whole PORK thing, which Ive been told tastes the same. If it doesnt, please dont burst my bubble. I feel fragile today)
--4-8 slices of swiss cheese

--can of your favorite cream-of-something soup
--2 T low fat milk

UNLESS youre a crazy California hippie like me. Then you can use instead:

--1 T butter
--3 T flour (Pamelas)
--1/2 cup low-fat milk (soy in our case)
--1/2 cup chicken broth
--1/4 t salt
--1/4 t black pepper

The Directions.

I used a 6qt oval Smart-Pot for this recipe. A 4qt would have been better. My crock wasnt full enough. If you only have a large, consider upping to 6 breast halves--(psst. if you do up it, you dont really need another can of soup. Unless you do 8 halves. Then you should use another).

Spray crockpot with cooking spray.

Pound chicken breasts flat (put them in a ziplock before you pound so chicken juice doesnt spray all over the kitchen grossing you out, and necessitate a call to the local Hazmat team).

Put a slice of the ham and a slice of the swiss cheese on the chicken breast and roll it up. Put it into the crockpot, seam side down. If desired, top with another piece of ham and cheese. Continue with the other pieces. Its okay to stagger-stack the chicken. It will still cook nicely for you.

If you are making your own "special soup," make a roux on the stovetop with the butter and flour, and whisk in the broth, milk, and spices. Pour on top of the chicken.

or! open can of cream-of soup. Pour into crockpot. Put the 2T of low fat milk into your empty can and swirl it around to get the remaining stuck on good stuff. Pour that in, too.

Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours, or on high for 4-5. This is done when the chicken is cooked through and has begun to brown on top. I took ours out for exactly 4 hours on high. It was cooked through, but could have stayed in longer to gain some color.

The Verdict.

This is very good. I liked that it wasnt breaded---Ive ordered Cordon Bleu in restaurants before and the breading on it reminded me of a frozen chicken patty and it grossed me out. This was tender and quite flavorful. Adam is excited to take leftovers for lunch.

We ate rather late, and the kids didnt get to try it yet, but they will for lunch.

Thank you, Jacque, for sending this to me/us!

Stef, from The Cupcake Project has launched a VERY cool new blog where she interviews Food Bloggers. She has done some amazing interviews with some *very* talented and famous people, and today she included me. I am so not worthy, but Stef made me sound like I was. Thank you, Stef! Click on over and leave a comment. Everybody likes comments.
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Slow Cooker Matzo Ball Soup

I made my very first Matzo Ball Soup yesterday. In the crockpot.

I called my friend Jennifer and she talked me through how to make the broth and Matzo dough--shes not gluten free, but after a lot of googling and texting to confirm my hard-core journalistic researching I figured out what I should do.


[insert Crush voice from Finding Nemo] I SO TOTALLY ROCK.

This is a 2-day process, or at least a really, really full day process. First were going to make the homemade chicken broth/soup.

The Ingredients
serves 6-8


3 pounds bone-in chicken parts
2 onions, peeled, cut into quarters
6 cloves garlic, peeled with cloves intact
1 cup baby carrots
3 ribs celery, cut in large chunks, leaves okay
1 teaspoon whole peppercorns
1 tablespoon kosher salt
12 cups water
1 package gluten free matzo ball mix, or make your own (recipe below)

gluten free matzo balls
makes 8-10 or so

1/2 cup finely ground almond meal
1/2 cup potato starch
2 tablespoons ground flax seed
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons dill
2 tablespoons vegetable shortening (Crisco)
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Use a hand-held or stand mixer to blend the ingredients together to form a dough. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours before using in soup.

The Directions
Use a 6-quart slow cooker.  Place the chicken into your slow cooker. I used chicken quarters, and did try to take as much of the skin off as I can (because of my weird issues). Add vegetables and seasoning. Pour in a bunch of water (4 cups per pound of chicken)—be careful, your pot will be quite full. Cover, and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours. Unplug the slow cooker, and let it sit for 3 hours, or until the meat is cool enough to handle.

Remove meat from pot, and discard the bones. Scoop out the vegetables and set aside. Some people prefer their matzo soup to be simply broth, some like chunks of meat and vegetables—it’s up to you. I decided to get rid of the onion and celery (the garlic kind of melted into a paste), but kept the chicken and carrots.  

Strain the broth through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve to remove the peppercorns and extra bits. Return the broth to the slow cooker.

Plug the cooker back in and cook on high for 2 hours. While the broth is reheating, mix the matzo dough (if using packaged matzo, prepare according to the written instructions).
Homemade matzo dough.  Dont handle it too much; you want it light and fluffy
Once your soup is hot, drop rounded spoonfuls of matzo into your slow cooker. Cover, and cook on high for about 30 minutes, or until the dough is cooked through and “bounces” in the broth when poked with a spoon.
the matzo balls bounce when you poke them with a spoon!
Serve and enjoy!

The Verdict
I must admit, since Ive never had this soup before, I dont have anything to compare it to. But we liked it. The five in my family ate every last smidgen in our bowls, and I packaged up a little tupperware to send home to my mom and grandma. I really liked the dill flavor. Everytime I cook with dill, Im reminded more and more that its such an under-utilized herb in my pantry. I hope you enjoy this soup--I look forward to making it again and again in the years to come.

Thank you to Jennifer, for holding my hand (AGAIN)!

other recipes you might like:
chicken and dumpling soup
apple dumplings
honey cake
sweet mustard roast 
I just Spent The Whole Day on Pinterest...
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Super Chocolate Shake

I was the lucky winner of the Sinful Pleasures Dessert Contest on Julies Raw Ambition last month and yesterday my box of goodies arrived in the mail: cacao nibs, vanilla beans, coconut butter, macadamia nuts, and agave nectar. 

It was hot, humid and 83 degrees out. I took one look at those ingredients and thought, "Mmmm, chocolate milkshake!" 

{ Funny, less than two weeks ago, the snow was falling and my thoughts turned to chocolate then too...see a pattern here? Hey, its a superfood, ya know! }

Super Chocolate Shake
1/2 C macadamia nuts
2 C filtered water
3 frozen bananas
3 Tbsp cacao nibs
2 Tbsp coconut butter
1 vanilla bean, scraped
1/4 C agave nectar

Soak the nuts in water overnight, then blend and strain through a nut milk bag. Pour milk back into blender. Add bananas, cacao nibs, coconut butter, vanilla, agave. Blend until smooth and creamy. Garnish with a sprig of mint. Slurp to your hearts content!

Speaking of superfoods, heres my superhero.  FUN.

Can you guess what my super powers might be?
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Should I End My Life

Should I End My Life

Most of us (especially those who have seen a lot of ups and downs in life) at a certain point must have thought about ending your life. But do u really think that you have the right to end your life. Sometimes we are in so much physical or psychological pain that we think to end all that pain by ending ourselves. I expect your thoughts at the end of this article to get your views on this thing too. But at this time lets proceed with my views.

Our life outcome of someone elses effort. Those someone else are not just our parents, its not just our
mother or father. Those someone include our friends, brothers and sisters, our spouse, our children. Life is not just taking birth. Life is much more than that. Its also connected to a number of other lives. We are a just a part of a social network. Our one decision can make a lot of effects on lives of other people.

Sometimes we think that others dont like us, dont trust us, they dont need us any more. But its just our thinking (mostly for a few hours or days). Some of us make a very hard decision during that time. If we wait for a few more hours or speak to someone regarding our feelings then we might not take such step. We might think that no body need us, but there is always somebody who cant live without you, for whom you are very special. That special person may be your father , mother, friend, spouse, son or daughter. You might be thinking that that person dont need you anymore as he / she is angry with you. But it doesnt mean that he / she will live happily without you. If you love him / her then you will not want to make them unhappy and regret their one fight with you for their whole life.

Even if you think that that special person want to get rid of you, but you love him / her and want to fulfill his / her wish by ending your life. In that case there might be somebody else who need you much more than him / her.

We think that our life our own, but its not. it belongs to everybody who are part of your life. Just think about those who will feel lonely without you. Who loved you more than their own life, who struggled to make you a better person, who took you to doctors when you were ill, who wept when you were in pain, who wanted to make your life better, who spent their lives to make you something. It doesnt matter if you have reached you goal in life or not. But there are still chances. But if you end yourselves those chances will be gone. There is always a way towards better life. Dont let that chance end. HOPE is everything. Hope for better !
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Black Beans with Cilantro Slow Cooker Recipe

Happy 24th day of Crocktober! Im a bit late with this mornings post---I slept in! Weve got stormy weather all day today, a great day to stay inside with a nice bowl of beans.
and fold laundry.

and find all the little sprinkle candy pieces from the "almost" slumber party we had Friday night. The kids decorated their own cupcakes, which means that the sprinkles decorated the floor! 


This recipe comes straight from my friend, Kalyn Dennys site, and out of respect, I am not going to type it up here. Youre going to have to click over to her Kalyns Kitchen site for the ingredients and directions. Kalyns recipes are all South Beach Diet-friendly, and after eating a few too many cupcakes, I really should dig through her archives for more great meals.

I will give you a verdict, however:

The Verdict.

This is my absolute favorite way to have black beans. Kalyn has perfected this recipe---theres no need to add any additional flavor or spices, its just perfect. My kids do pick out the "green stuff," but thats not a problem to me. They also really like to munch on the beans cold the next day as an afternoon snack. The baby is now (9! months) and happily sits in her highchair munching on Kalyns black beans.


other beany recipes you should make. for your heart.
cooking with dried beans tutorial
16-bean soup
beans and rice
coconut beans and rice
bean stew
black eyed pea soup
hoppin john
traditional chili
presidential chili
sweet potato chili (vegan)
refried beans
cowboy beans
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Yoga Padmasana Benefits Lotus Pose in Detail

Yoga Padmasana is considered as an ideal pose for meditation and concentration. Its also known as Lotus Pose. In Yoga Padmasana you have to sit cross legged with your spine straight. Baba Ramdev of India also practice Padmasana during his yoga classes. In Chinese Buddhism Padmasana is known as Vajrasana (Vajra Position).

Yoga Padmasana

Yoga Padmasana can be practiced any time. You may do it while watching TV or while having food. Its the basic pose to perform any of the meditations or sitting in any mudra. Details about the sirring posture of Padmasana is described below. For those people who cant sit in Padmasana, they can perform ardha-padmasana (Half Lotus Pose), which is a bit easier than Padmasana.

Yoga Padmasana Pose in Detail

Correct siting position has great importance while performing yoga. As Padmasana is a basic yoga pose, so it should be practiced correctly. You may follow the steps provided below to sit in Padmasana.

  • Sit on a tough surface.
  • Put your right foot on your left thigh such that flat portion of your feet is facing upwards and ankle is touching your abdomen.
  • Now put your left foot on your right thigh in the same way.
  • You may use your hands to put your feet on your thighs.
  • If you are having difficulty in sitting in this posture then you may do ardha-padmasana. In this you dont need to put your left feet on right thigh. Instead you may keep it under the thigh, which is a bit relaxing. 
  • There is no time limit for doing Padmasana. You may do it till you find it easy to do in your daily life, but never go over the limits. Release from the pose when you find it uncomfortable.
  • Every time you do Padmasana, start it with alternate legs. If this time you have started your pose with right leg, then next time start it with left leg.

Who should avoid doing Padmasana

  • If you recently have a knee injury or an ankle injury then you should avoid Padmasana until you are fully recovered.
  • If you have a sprain in your leg then avoid Padmasana.
  • If you have lower or Upper back pain then avoid Padmasana.

Benefits of Padmasana

There are uncountable benefits of Padmasana. It is the basic pose for most of the meditation mudras. Here we are listing some of the major and worldwide accepted benefits of Padmasana.

  • It increases our concentration power.
  • It strengthens our spine.
  • It improves of thigh, ankle and calf muscles.
  • It destroys diseases and awakens kundalini.
  • It relieves sciatica pain and improves body posture.
  • It improves blood circulation and digestion.
  • It makes our joints and ligaments flexible.
  • It restores the energy level of our body.

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Taking Care of your Oral Health Proper Brushing

They say prevention is better than cure. It is true, considering that it is less expensive to maintain your health and prevent yourself from catching diseases, compared to purchasing expensive medications just to cure your ailments.  Your oral cavity, which includes your teeth, gums and tongue, is as important as the rest of your body. Taking good care of your oral cavity may prevent complications: from a simple yet annoying toothache, to unpleasant broken-down teeth. The keys to keeping your oral cavity healthy and preventing these abnormalities from happening are simply by performing proper brushing.

How long does it take to brush my teeth properly?
      The ideal time for proper tooth brushing takes about two minutes. TIP: Singing two “Happy Birthday” songs in your head would determine the ideal duration of proper brushing.

What type of toothbrush should I use?
      Choosing the right type of toothbrush for your teeth is a step closer to achieving proper brushing. A soft-bristled brush is definitely the best for removing food debris and plaque from your teeth. Brushes with small heads are also preferable, which has better navigating capabilities needed for those hard-to-reach teeth at the back.

How long before I change my toothbrush?
      The advisable time to replace your toothbrush is after 3 months. When the toothbrush shows signs of wear, it must be replaced even if it hasn’t been 3 months yet. 

Is there a particular brand of toothpaste I should use?
      It doesn’t matter what brand of toothpaste you use as long as it contains fluoride. Check the labels of each brand and look for this ingredient.
How do I brush my teeth the right way?
It is advisable to perform short, gentle strokes while brushing as to avoid hitting and irritating the gums. Keep in mind also that you not only brush the teeth that are showing externally, but also those hard-to-reach back teeth called molars. Crowns, fillings, and other restorations are required to be brushed as well.Divide your oral cavity in to 4 quadrants(Upper Right, Upper Left, Lower Left, Lower Right) then follow these steps:

  1. Clean the outer surfaces of your upper right teeth, navigate the toothbrush towards the upper left side in doing so. Keep in mind that the stroke for back teeth or molars should be in circular motion, while the front teeth or incisors should have an up-and-down motion. By doing the said strokes, you are minimizing the chance of having teeth abrasion caused by faulty brushing techniques.
  2. Repeat step 1, this time from the outer surfaces of the lower left side towards the lower right.
  3. Clean the inner surfaces of each quadrant of teeth in the same manner as Steps 1 & 2.
  4. Clean the chewing surfaces to remove food particles stuck in pits and fissures of the teeth.
  5. Brush your tongue to rid off debris and bacteria. This will surely result to a much fresher breath.
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How to lose weight and reshape tailored silhouette

Slimming beauty and redraw the silhouette, the challenge is daunting.

What methods are available and how to approach his ideal?

What are the best ways to lose weight around?

The low-fat diet

The low-fat diet is needed if we are overweight, but not any diet!
Forget restrictive diets (so frustrating) or Express which will be accompanied by a yo-yo effect (early resumption of pounds lost). What is needed is to eat less and eat better especially. The diet should be low calorie but balanced.
Meanwhile, you have to develop new eating habits that will allow you to keep your assets, that is to say not to resume soon weight goal achieved! This is the key to sustainable weight loss.

It must be associated with the regime. Not that the sport is losing weight, but physical activity improves the efficiency of the diet.
Unnecessary to target performance. What matters most is not the intensity but the consistency. And do not forget that physical activity, while stacks.
Also, walk as often as possible, forget the car and lifts, and multiply operations.

What are the best ways to reshape your figure?

He sculpts the silhouette and gives the look!
If you practice to reshape your body (even round, a muscular figure is sexy), prefer specific strength training exercises in a gym, for example.
The most obvious is the abdominal useful when searching for a flat stomach. Remember that most of the exercises target specific groups of muscles. Remains often practice several times a week.

Exercise does not have to be intense to achieve carve.
It takes about thirty minutes of endurance for the body begins to use stored fat reserves.
So for an overall benefit, prefer endurance exercises for at least thirty minutes a day: jogging, walking, biking, swimming ...

What are the best methods to keep the pounds stamped on an area?
Cosmetic surgery
Liposuction can suck localized fat deposits resistant to dieting.
It is indicated if you have a normal weight but display a saddlebags or belly or even fat pads on the knees or hips.

Non-surgical methods

There are other cosmetic techniques, much less invasive, which allow to thin selected areas. These are:

lipolysis (injections of phosphatidylcholine members to break fat cells),
laser lipolysis (breakdown of fat cells by heat)
mesotherapy (injections of stimulants microcirculation and factors of lipolysis).
Their use depends on the area to be thinned and extent (belly, saddlebags, love handles, inner knees, etc.).
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CrockPot Sweet and Sour Tofu

Day 187.

I was so excited to see that our grocery store has started carrying La Choy brand sweet and sour sauce.

So I bought a bunch.

La Choy uses soy instead of wheat starch to make its soy sauce, and the sweet and sour sauce is labeled the same way. So theres no gluten!

We hadnt had tofu in a while, and after the french dip sandwiches, needed some lighter fare.

The Ingredients.
-1 pound extra firm tofu, drained
- 4 cups fresh vegetables (I used 2 bell peppers, carrots, and broccoli)

- 1/2 white onion, chopped

- 1 tablespoon corn starch
- 10 oz jar of La Choy sweet and sour sauce

- 1/2 tablespoon water

- 1 T butter

The Directions.

You know how in Chinese restaurants the tofu is always really crispy on the outside and has a nice texture? I learned a trick last week to help create that at home without deep-frying. Cube your tofu, and put it in a zipper bag with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Shake the tofu until its coated completely in cornstarch.

Then fry on the stove on medium heat in a tablespoon of butter.
Resist the urge to flip the tofu often. Let it get a nice crusty coat before turning.

While thats cooking, wash and trim your vegetables and add to the crockpot.
When the tofu is done, put it in also. Pour the entire bottle of sweet and sour sauce on top of the tofu and vegetables.

Add a
1/2 tablespoon of water to the "empty" jar, and shake. Pour the contents on top. Toss gingerly.

Cover and cook on low for about 3 hours.

This is finished when the vegetables have reached desired consistency.
We like the veggies to have a crunch, so I didnt let it cook very long. The broccoli was not very crisp, but the onion, bell pepper, and carrot still were al dente.

The Verdict.

My kids each ate 2 helpings. They didnt eat the onion or bell pepper, but happily ate the tofu, carrots, and broccoli.

The sauce is a good flavor; it tastes like take-out. I might add red pepper flakes to the adult servings next time.

We ate this over white rice, outside. It was a really nice night.
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